Research and Development
In 2010–11 Core–Defra invested around £210m on evidence, of which approximately £105m is research and development. This research and development includes natural and physical sciences and operational research and supports evidence–based policy development and service delivery. This represents approximately 4% of total Core–Defra programme expenditure. In addition, Core–Defra spends approximately £110m each year on other non–research evidence activities, including monitoring and surveillance. These figures exclude the analysis work carried out by Defra’s delivery bodies.
The Hatfield Moor provision of £2.3m, Crowle Moor provision of £0.7m, and Portland Quarry provision of £2m relate to an obligation arising from Government’s Outline Position 1998, in which the Government set out circumstances in which it would meet compensation payable by local planning authorities in meeting its responsibilities under regulation 50 of the Conservation (Natural Habitats) Regulations 1994;